
We are now in Kenai. I will try to post this while we are here. It is so crowded here that the cell towers are jammed. The Coho salmon are starting their run on the Kenai river. More on that later.
I will pick up on the last day in Anchorage

The last evening we went to a local Micro Brewery for supper.

Great food.

Walking around Anchorage you can see lots of newly planted flowers.

Great scenery from Anchorage to Cooper's Landing.

More scenery

The Fireweed is in bloom. It is called Fireweed because when there is a forest fire, it is the first thing to come back. It is also the state flower.

You might see Dahl sheep during the trip.

Freddy asks "Are we there yet?"

More snow and glaciers.

More scenery with snow on the mountains and glaciers.

Still more. We do not get tired of seeing this scenery.

Cathy had her first rafting trip on the Kenai River.

Looks like she was having fun .
I was not waiting for her but,

for our good friends, Myron and Dorcus. They followed the raft in their canoe and I drove their car to pick them up.
They are not with our group but we met up here. So good to see them.

 After Cooper's Landing, we drove to Solditna where we met up with another good friend couple, Ken and Judy. They were staying at the local Fred Meyers store parking lot.
 No, this is not them, this is Wynn and Betty on the flight to "Fish with the Bears. They are also good friends of ours.

We flew over Cook Inlet to Wolverine Creek for a fishing trip with bears. The best fishing is near the creek. You line up and move up after each boat has 45 minutes at the front.

First bear, a black bear coming down. It did not get into the water.

Next a brown bear.

It did fish

Then got tired and decided to nap.

Brown bear leaves, black bear returns, or another black bear.

Brown bear returns and goes diving. Just resurfacing after being totally underwater.

Our scenery while fishing.

Our pick-up plane. Cathy was on this flight making her first float plane ride.

Peggy was also on this flight, flying co-pilot

Al and Cathy on the way back. Note the smile on Cathy's face. She loved the flight.

Cathy took this as we were taxing in. Our motor home is the one to the  left.

Cathy and Betty next to our plane.

Mine and Wynn's catch. Limit was 3 but Betty was not fishing so Wynn and I could catch her limit also.

love salmon

Al and Wynn cleaning fish

the scenery from our camp

Combat fishing. Looking down from our camp over the entrance to the Kenai River.

Tomorrow we go to Homer. The fishing is different there. Tuesday we go for Halibut.
More later.


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