Valdez to Tok

In Tok Alaska now.

I will start with the road to Valdez. We left Seward for Wasalli to pick up our car. We had transmission trouble and left it there to be repaired. All went well and we picked it up at noon on Friday. We headed toward Valdez.
 Along the way, we found a small Alaska State Park that is free. Our site is on a small stream that I fished but did not catch anything.

I did grill steaks and we had a campfire. Note the shorts. We go from jackets to shorts very often.

We also stopped along streams and lake for me to fish.

We saw our last view of the Alaskan Pipeline about 50 miles out of Valdez. It is buried the rest of the way.

You can see the road ahead.

Lots of pretty creeks to fish in.

Lots of glaciers

Great scenery


 Almost to Valdez is a state park at a glacier.

There are ice worms!

Glacier water is cold.

Cathy with the glacier behind her.

Along the road there were many waterfalls.

The end of the pipeline.

In Valdez, the salmon were working to get up stream to spawn. There is no fishing allowed here.

Bears do not follow laws. These two ended up playing rough with each other and we have videos of it.

I went out thinking my limit was three so I quit when I had three.

Eagles ar abundant.

Sea lions also

Sea Otters are harder to capture on film.

 I went back and got my other three to make my total of six for the day.

Bears have no limit. This one caught 2.

Valdez was struck by the Anchorage earthquake in 1964. The Army Engineers determined that the ground under the city was unstable so they moved the town to a nearby safe location.

 Eagles rule here.

Bears have their own crossings.

Good fishing for me. About 45 minutes and six salmon.

Eagles feed on any fresh meat.

Sea lions and sea gulls fight for salmon.

Bears fish also. We have a video of this one catching a fish.

 Leaving Valdez

We went to Copper Center for a King Salmon fishing trip. I caught the first one.
It was cold here.

One is the limit so I had to sit and watch the others fish.

 The type of raft we cruised on the river.

One of our boats catch.

On to Gakona for a good meal.

Great restaurant. We had Halibut.

Cathy thought this sled full of flowers was neat.

 At the table waiting for food

 Our group

Leaving we saw Mt Drum.
Tomorrow we enter Canada again so may not have Internet.
Will post again when I can.


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