Custers last stand

 Its still raining here. Since we don't want to wait around for several days for it to quit, we went to the Custers Last Stand memorial. Pardon the rain spots on some pictures. We started off watching a movie about the battle.
The first picture is a landscape showing some of the area of the battle. The cemetery to the right is not part of it. It is a National Cementer. 
This one is the official monument. It is atop Last Stand Hill where all the enlisted men are buried in a mass grave. Al of their names are listen on it.
Initially they were buried near where they were killed. Now there are small white tombstones located near where they fell.
Brown tombstones are placed near where Indians were killed. A lot of their names were known.
Afterward we stopped on the Crow Indian reservation at a cafe for lunch. We had a great beef stew and fried flat bread.
Tomorrow on to Livingston, MT for an overnight then Yellowstone NP.


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