"On the road again" We left Tampa 3/3/11 for a rally in Ocala. After Ocala we took 2 days to get to southern Alabama. (overnight stop in Quincy FL).

We are now in Robertsdale, AL. Actually we are closer to Dauphne, AL.

the second day here was a bad day. Rain, wind tornadoes and floods most of the day. three tornadoes touched down within 10 miles of us At least 7 touched down in the area. Lots of physical damage but no one hurt. Since then the weather has been great, low of 40 degrees, high of 72 degrees, not a cloud in the sky.

We are not doing much sightseeing, been here before,we just wanted to go to some restaurants we know of here. Yesterday was the best, Baumhauer's Wings for shrimp and grits, Cajun style,with okra and tomato stew.

There is a gun range 1/2 mile from the RV park. I got a chance to fire my guns. Now I have to clean them. I hope I don't make anyone upset when I sit outside to clean them.

Gotta go for now, Freddy wants to lay in the sun so we will sit outside with him.


Way to go guys. Have fun and travel safely. Looking forward tobyour postings. Dave & Audrey

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