Livingston, TX

We are now in Livingston, TX. Got here Monday. Livingston is the home of The Escapees RV Club. We use them for our mail forwarding service and belong to one of their chapter clubs in FL.
Lots of Mexican and bar-b-que restaurants here. We will eat good.
We saw our first Blue Bonnets Tuesday. They started opening after we got here.
They are not in full bloom yet but getting there I hope to get some pics before we leave here

We had a guided tour thru the facilities today. It is impressive. It is a 125 acre complex complete with a care center and mail forwarding service.
Their mail forwarding service employs 40 people to handle the mail. They have a mail processing similar to some that I worked on at the PO. We use this service.
The care center is set up for Escapees to stay if they are ill or incapacitated. The length of stay is unlimited. You stay in your RV, pay $1200 per month and get 3 meals a day and have qualified care.


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