We are so sorry to leave this area. Today, the high was 83 deg. But, a new place in in the plans and we are looking forward to going there.
While we were here, we visited the Thomas Alva Edison birthplace museum
in Milan, OH. Very educational. My name Al is really Alva which is why I am so interested in Edison. The name comes from him. He was named after a Lake Erie Captain Alva Bradley.
The tour thru his birth home was a guided tour. Very interesting.
Thursday we went to the Merry Go Round Museum in Sandusky, OH. It was great.
One of the first horses was one used on the USPS stamps. You can see from the 2nd carousal picture.
They have a full sized merry go round that you can ride. They have a highly regarded restore faculty. They get valuable pieces in and restore them. The deal is, they restore them, use them in their museum for a few years then return them to their owners for no charge.
You can see that Cathy enjoyed feeding the Carousal Horse. Also she really enjoyed riding one.
Monday, on to Wilmington OH.
More then, Al