Not a lot happening here. I have done some fishing, we have done some sightseeing, found a great Mom/Pop restaurant and had some bad weather. It has been hot with lots of thunder showers. Today was great. High of 83 today and will be in high 50s tonight. Very few clouds. It should be this way for the rest of the week. We spent most of the evening talking with neighbors. We made some new friends here that we hope to see down the road. We are not looking forward to leaving here. Lots of activities planned for this weekend here. Not sure what we will do but we do have a rack of ribs to grill. One couple we met is going to the same place we are next. that will be nice. They have 3 dachshunds. Freddy does not like any of them. The local Mom/Pop restaurant told Cathy they would have a fresh baked butterscotch pie just for her Thursday so we will be eating there then. They really have good food. More later, Al


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